Rusty D

"Rusty DeWees is more than just a regional treasure, he's an American original." - John Fusco/Author of Paradise Salvage; Screenwriter of Crossroads, Young Guns, Thunderheart, Hidalgo, and Spirit of the Cimmarron

Rusty's Radio Spots feature a pot purri of topical, promotional themes, but all of them are uniquely individualized to the client. He creates all the scripts for these spots as well as performing and overseeing the recording and production (sound effects additions where appropriate, back ground music where appropriate). Radio remains a viable channel for promotions, proven daily when Rusty is approached by someone on the street saying, "Hey, I heard your ad for..."

Heritage "Larry"

Heritage "Scarlet Hunts"

Heritage "Scarlet Fibbers"

Heritage "Scat"

Heritage "Tag Sale"

Heritage "RoboPhone - Purchase"

Heritage "RoboPhone - Service"

Heritage"Special Day 1"

Heritage "Special Day 2"

Heritage "Scarlet at Camp"

Heritage "JibberJabber"

Heritage "Punchy Johnson"

Heritage "Woodchuck Sale"

Heritage "Feller's Dittie"

Vermont Life Autumn Vintage 01

Vermont Life Autumn Vintage 02

Vermont Life Autumn Vintage 03


Aubuchon Hardware "Poetry"

Aubuchon Hardware "Rollstone"

Aubuchon Hardware "Paint Twerker"

Aubuchon Hardware "Phone Call"

Aubuchon Hardware "StickEm Stars"

Aubuchon Hardware "Up Down Hill"

Aubuchon Hardware "Georgie"

Aubuchon Hardware "Skies of Blue"

Roy's Housing

Roy's Housing 2

HeatSquad "Letter Cubby"

HeatSquad "Poetry"

HeatSquad "Swaddle"

HeatSquad "Tight House"

HeatSquad "Keepin' Warm"

HeatSquad "Audit"

HeatSquad "Mice"

HeatSquad "Healthy"


Thomas Dairy "English Muffin"

Thomas Dairy "Ode to Dairy Month"

Thomas Dairy "Squzz"

Thomas Dairy "Picayune"

PowerShift "FirePit"

PowerShift "Wireless Taffy"

PowerShift "Beep Me Natulee"

PowerShift "SPAM Jackin' "

PowerShift "WOKO Fest"

PowerShift "RingFinger"

PowerShift "Small Town"

PowerShift "ThunderRoad"

Franklin County Field Days




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